Advanced Technology and Practices Aid Pet Health

Dupont Veterinary Clinic employs technology and diagnostic practices that benefit your pet’s health. In-house laboratory and diagnostic imaging capabilities help us to identify the source of any problems your pet may be experiencing. Routine screenings are also fundamental to preventive care.
On-Site Laboratory
Our on-site, in-house laboratory allows our veterinary teams to provide you with results quickly and efficiently. We routinely perform:
- Blood tests: Complete blood counts (CBCs) evaluate white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. We also perform chemistry profile testing, which allows us to evaluate liver and kidney health, glucose, electrolytes, protein levels, and more.
- Urine analysis: Detects various urinary tract diseases and the presence of bacteria or infection.
- Fecal or stool analysis: Identifies the presence of intestinal parasites.
Intestinal Parasite Screening (Fecal Analysis) is Critical to Pet Health
It is important to keep your dog or cat free from any worms or other intestinal parasites. Certain parasites can even be transferred to humans, with children especially vulnerable.
The best prevention in both dogs and cats is annual intestinal parasite testing, as well as monthly deworming with a product that is designed to prevent both heartworms and intestinal parasites.
At Dupont Veterinary Clinic we use the most accurate method of parasite screening, Centrifugation with Sheather’s Sugar Solution. While this technique is more laborious and time consuming, it greatly improves the level of accuracy to protect you and your pet.

Radiology: Digital X-rays
Radiology is used to see within the body in order to diagnose disease and abnormalities. Digital X-rays allow us to take a big leap forward when it comes to ruling out disease and getting a diagnosis for your pet. Our state-of-the-art digital system allows far better image quality and faster turn-around time. Additionally, digital X-rays can be easily manipulated and sent electronically—which is especially useful if you need a second opinion from a specialist.
Curious about our advanced diagnostic technology? Call us for a hospital tour. We’re happy and proud to show you around and demonstrate the advances technology has made in veterinary medicine.