Protect Your Furry Friends with Our Fall Pet Safety Tips

The crisp autumn air is a refreshing change from the stifling Indiana summer, and for many of us fall is a favorite time of year.
Pets enjoy the cooler weather too, but autumn brings with it a whole new crop of dangers for our four-legged family members. We know your pet’s health and safety is your top priority, which is why we are starting the season off with a fall pet safety review!
Safe Winterizing
Getting your home and car ready for winter is essential. Keep the following safety concerns in mind when it comes to your pets:
- Antifreeze is important for protecting your vehicle in the winter, but the sweet-smelling and tasting liquid is extremely toxic to pets. Keep leftover antifreeze tightly sealed and stored out of reach, and clean up any spills immediately.
- Anything that can kill a rodent can kill a pet, so instead of turning to rodenticides to combat the furry pests this fall opt for a safer solution, such as live traps or ultrasonic devices. If you must use rodenticides, place them where you are sure your pet won’t be able to access it.
- Keep your pet indoors while you treat the lawn or change the automotive fluid in the car.
- Clean up rotten fruit, berries, and debris in the yard. Keep compost bins tightly sealed.
Back to School
School is back in session, and those backpacks, coats, and purses strewn around the house can hold items that are both tantalizing and toxic to your pet, such as leftover food, gum, medications, and more. Make sure everyone in the family is hanging up or putting away their bags and coats upon entering the house, every time.
Changing Scenery
It’s getting dark earlier, but that doesn’t mean your evening dog walk should come to an end. Use the changing season as a time to upgrade to a reflective collar or other outdoor gear, and continue to enjoy the bonding and improved fitness that goes along with the daily walk.
If you decide to decorate for the season, keep pet safety in mind. Make sure your pet can’t access strings of lights, lit candles, potpourri, decorative gourds/corn, or other decor.
A Fall Pet Safety Reminder
The weather may be changing, but that doesn’t mean pet parasite protection isn’t just as important. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitos are still out there, and year-round parasite prevention is the only way to truly keep your pet safe.
If you have any further questions about fall pet safety, or would like to schedule an appointment for your pet, don’t hesitate to reach out to your team at Dupont Veterinary Clinic.