Top 5 Blogs of 2023

Happy New Year! We are so grateful for the continued support of our lovely community. We couldn’t do what we do without each and every one of you. As we reflect on the end of another year, we wanted to take some time to go back and revisit some of our most popular blogs of 2023. So. without further adieu, here we go:
- Scruffy’s Constant Scratching
This oldie but goodie blog dives into pet allergies and how they can impact your furry friend’s skin. Did you know that dogs can have seasonal allergies, too? Or that they could be allergic to common things like pollen, dust, or even grass? If your dog is licking or scratching a lot, allergies could be the culprit. Check out this blog to find out what to look for to help your pet get the allergy help he or she needs.
- 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Heartworm Disease
Heartworm disease can be very dangerous for pets. In fact, it can quickly become fatal. The best way to avoid issues with heartworm disease in pets is to completely prevent it. Learn more about this health threat for pets in this blog and why monthly preventives are essential for healthy and happy pets.
- The Dreaded Reverse Sneeze: Pet Danger or No Big Deal?
If your dogs are anything like ours, they might make a cacophony of different noises. Sometimes noises are harmless, but other times they can signal a health issue. The reverse sneeze occurs when the back of the throat is irritated, and often causes the dog to extend its neck and make a choking sound. This can be scary for pet owners, especially if it is a new event. Check out our blog on reverse sneezes to learn more about reverse sneezes and what they mean for pet health.
- Once-a-Year Heartworm Prevention For Your Dog Has Arrived!
Did you know there’s a heartworm prevention on the market that you only need to give your dog once a year? The Proheart 12 injectable can help your dogs avoid encountering these dangerous parasites without the need for monthly tablets. Check out this blog to learn more!
- How to Remove a Tick—And 4 Ways Not To
Ticks are no fun for anyone, and they can cause serious health issues for your pets. Have no fear, the team at Dupont Veterinary Clinic put together this helpful blog to teach you how to remove ticks properly from your pets.
We’re excited for you to join us on our blogging journey for 2024. From our family to yours, we wish you many blessings and pet snuggles in the coming year!