Adding a pet into your family can be a big decision. Should you get a Dog? A cat? A gerbil..? Once you have decided that adding a fuzzy (or feathered… or scaly?) family member is the right move for all involved, you’ll need to put some careful thought into which pet you choose.

One size does not fit all when it comes to matching the best pet to a family, and choosing the right species is essential. You also need to carefully consider all the options when it comes to choosing the right breed within the species, in order to ensure a good fit for your home.

Know Your Needs

Outlining clear expectations and needs before making your selection is important, so that you can better choose the right breed for your family.

Think about:

  • What you want to do with your pet?
  • How you want your pet to act?
  • What is your budget (both for an initial investment and ongoing expenses for care)?
  • How much time you have to devote to your pet?
  • How your lifestyle might affect an animal?
  • Who lives in your home?

Answering these questions honestly can be helpful in determining which pet or breed to select. You are probably going to choose a different pet if you want a cuddle partner than if you were looking for a guard dog.

Choosing the Right Breed

Use your resources and talk with the veterinarians at Dupont Veterinary Clinic, attendants at our area rescue agencies, groomers, trainers, and other folks who might know more about specific breeds of interest.

Choosing the right breed for your family can be an involved decision. Certain breeds definitely have certain characteristics.  Look at the breeds you are interested in and consider:

  • Size
  • Shedding level
  • Grooming needs
  • Exercise needs
  • Barking level
  • Ease of training
  • Behavior around children or other pets
  • Potential medical needs

There are several online quizzes that can help you in choosing the right breed. If nothing else, taking a few might help you to identify your wants and needs a little better.

Finding your perfect match often takes a little time and effort, but is well worth it in the long run. Making a carefully thought out decision will help you to ensure that your selection is a permanent and welcome addition to your family. We can’t wait to meet him or her!