Golden Retriever Happy In SnowWhile you’re busy sticking to those New Year’s resolutions, remember it’s also a good time to reflect on the recent past. What did you learn from 2017? Are there any moments that stood out? How will you make 2018 even better?

At Dupont Veterinary Clinic, one of our objectives is to continue to improve our services to provide the very best care to our pet patients. Offering our clients educational resources, such as our blog, is paramount to this effort. After all, good at home care is the underpinning of great health and wellbeing for our furriest loved ones.

After reviewing the response from 2017’s blog posts, we’ve compiled the best pet blogs from the past year as determined by our readers. Here you go!

Dupont Veterinary Clinic’s Five Best Pet Blogs of 2017

  1. Uncommon Dog Breeds – The Xoloitzcuintli (pronounced Show-Low-Itz-Quint-Lee), is also known as the Xolo (Show-Low) or the Mexican Hairless Dog. The Xolo is an ancient breed that is considered a national treasure in Mexico and is the only dog whose name begins with an “X.” The word Xoloitzcuintli is derived from the name of the Aztec god, Xolotl, and the Aztec word for dog, Itzcuintli. Read More…
  2. Choosing the Right Breed for Your Family – Adding a pet into your family can be a big decision. Should you get a Dog? A cat? A gerbil..? Once you have decided that adding a fuzzy (or feathered… or scaly?) family member is the right move for all involved, you’ll need to put some careful thought into which pet you choose. Read More…White Dog Jumping Off Dock Into The Water
  3. Smooth and Safe: The Many Ways to Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby – If your precious pet is about to play second fiddle to a squirming, crying human baby, he or she might not have the best reaction. After all, your pet was your first baby, and now you’re going to upset the perception that he or she is the center of your universe. Read More…
  4. Rogue Kitties: All About Feral Cat Colonies – Even avid cat lovers know what a nuisance feral cat colonies can be. Groups of cats multiply quickly, and with them come problems that can be devastating to watch. Thankfully, there has been more attention given to these felines in need, and programs are popping up all over the country to deal with feral populations. Read More…
  5. Scruffy’s Constant Scratching – Is Scruffy’s scratching keeping you up all night? Is Scruffy licking his feet raw and scratching his ears relentlessly? While there are many causes of itchy skin in dogs, seasonal allergies are one of the main culprits during this time of year. Human allergies tend to show as itchy, watery eyes, or sneezing; however, dog allergies affect the skin, especially the feet, ears, and face. Read More…

Happy Dog With Mouth Open Content that is information-rich as well as entertaining can definitely go a long way in educating pet owners about their pets’ needs. Is there any topic you’d like to learn more about? We’d love to hear from you!

In the spirit of the new year, let’s make this one stellar by focusing on things you’ve been putting off, both for you and your pet. Is your pet due for a wellness exam? Have you checked their teeth lately? Does your four-legged need grooming? These are all great things to add to your resolutions (and probably preferable than going to the gym!).

We wish you and your family a very happy, healthy, and pet-focused 2018!